It's been a strange few months down in 'The Old Sidevalve Bar'. Normally it's a mans world ! Definitely not a place for wimin, what with the oil and the grease, the smell of the MIG and not least the big spiders that dangle from the rafters. Heidi seemed to like it, and her close friends have no complaints either, but they are all gone.
I'm all alone.
Even the radio has fallen silent......bit of damp on a diode maybe.....
Time for your Old Uncle Albert to get back on track.
The right track of Vintafaking and Brewing deadly ciders.
So, pre-Heidi I was on a mission. An important mission to save XV Virago riders from a life in the wilderness and a ride without soul.
Yes, I can help them ! With basic hand tools I plan to change world attitude. Make my mark upon the earth, and beyond (who knows where this blog goes)
Memory is a funny old thing, it doesn't survive after soaking in cider, so after various soakings I'm not sure if I showed you this picture before. Hey, what the hell I'll post it again. Its the sorry image of a XV535 Virago engine. Owned mainly by choirboys and Bishops these motors are in desperate need of correction. In fact they probably enjoy it !
Big disc in the grinder, correction lines drawn, goggles on, I'm going in.......
Still more to do with the whizzy dremel, but the main lines are now set. I've trimmed the crancase cover too. Ugly is good, lightweight is good, function and form thats what we want not all this 'pretty boy' stuff. If it's of no use then cut it off !
Note- I am only offering to correct VX motors. Choirboys and Bishops need not apply....
Stay tuned - Alb